Friday, July 23, 2010

losing friends

How sad it is to grow close to someone and then abruptly sometimes without much notice the friendship ends and sometimes with no real answer as to why.I recently lost a friend who I considered a good friend.It hurt.Her words in the ending text messages ring in my ears some days was she justified in saying them?I have asked God to reveal to me if I am in fact a lousy friend who dosent care,I guess the jury is still out on that one havent recieved a clear answer on that one yet.Maybe thats a selfish prayer to pray but it really is a question I would love to know the answer to.Maybe one day I will know.How frusterating to share so much of your thoughts and dreams with a person of like interests and dreams only to be wrote off.I have many other friends but this however is still upsetting to me.I feel God is telling me spiritually it is for my own good that he has other things for me,but maybe I am not hearing him say this at all?
I pray God that you heal the wounds that still remain from all broken friendships and that you will reveal to me in future realations with others how I can truley put others before myself.Help me love,care and pray for these people who have hurt me so deeply.Help me to be Jesus with skin to a lost world and even to those who know you as I do,teach me to learn from my mistakes and to really be a servant of yours.

A man of many companions may come to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.
Proverbs 18:24